During planetary missions, astronauts depend on a life support system to survive in hostile environmental conditions. Not only must the life support system itself function reliably, but the astronauts must also be able to operate the system efficiently. Staying Alive is an experiment of the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity of the University of Bremen, Germany. It investigates and compares different modes of operating the life supports system: entirely autonomously by the crew, autonomously by the crew with support of artificial intelligence, and by the crew with help from the Mission Support Center. For practical reasons, the experiment-hardware will comprise of a small photobioreactor, which is one of many parts of a life support system. During the experiment, the analog astronauts must perform several tasks with the photobioreactor including set-up, maintenance, repair, and scientific activities. They will be videorecorded during the tasks and answer questionnaires before, during and after the mission.